Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Photo Sea Glass Transfer Necklaces

photography transferred onto sea glassHere are my original photographs, transferred onto white sea glass, hand picked from the shores of Victoria BC. The process is a bit lengthy. First, I selected the photos to transfer onto the glass. Setting up a contact sheet of smaller images, allows for variety to work with. For the transfer, I used a matt Mod Podge product. First brushing the image with the Podge, then pressing it facedown onto the glass. I let them dry for at least an hour, before taking a damp towel and carefully rubbing off the top layer of paper. At a certain point, it gets easier to just use your finger to roll off the remaining paper. In some cases, I created more rustic and depreciated styles. Then, let the pendants dry for a few hours. About a day later, I sprayed a couple of layers of matt acrylic sealer overtop and let them dry for another day. Once dry, I am able to submerge the pendants under water for drilling to be threaded onto a cotton cord, as seen above. They make beautiful artifact stone like pendants. Chunky, colourful and customized to the liking of the wearer. I managed to do a huge batch of these and they sell at $25.00 CA. Here's one handful of the completed pendant necklaces. I've labeled them "moon stones".

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