Friday, October 24, 2014

A pile of Sea Glass

Sea glass hunting can be a hit and miss. Some days, I am lucky to find a handful along a seaside walk while other days, I hit the jackpot and come home with an almost filled doggie poo bag full of treasures. If I really want to score, I need to get down and dig. I actually love digging in the pebbles and sand, and have come up with a strategy for doing so. It's much easier to use a tool for pushing aside the pebbles, so I use a small piece of drift wood bark. Pulling back the layers, reveals the moist and curved colourful shapes of the glass, popping out of the dark pebbles that surround them.

In this photo, you can see the vibrancy of the colours bounce off the natural volcanic rock formation found along the Victoria waterfront coastline. I find the natural world makes the best back drop for showing off sea glass finds. The photos are as scrumptious as the sea glass themselves. Who knew, that trash could become so beautiful, so treasured, and sought after. The best part of all? It's free. I don't need to pay anything for this priceless experience provided by the paradise that surrounds me. There really is no amount of money that can buy this kind of thrill. It's no wonder people are waking up around the world to this past time, hobby or in some cases occupation. Heck, I'd be happy doing nothing else but strolling the shoreline, walking one step in front of the other, in a mindful fashion, seeking out those adrenaline rush discoveries. It's a simple yet fulfilling experience, sea glass makes me happy.

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